• Our Motto
Respect, empower, unite, create and Serve all to honor humanity.
• Our Mission
To support community action to prevent new HIV infection, meet the challenges of HIV/AIDS, and build healthier communities by providing preventive and support services that encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health and quality of life to maintain healthy communities. Alter lives; promote respect and dignity for all people touched by HIV through compassionate care, education and leadership development to the fight against HIV/AIDS.
• Our Vision
Is to be recognized as an organization that is able to efficiently and effectively provide varied and integrated program to meet the challenges of the changing nature of the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic. For providing compassionate care and a leader for innovative and effective work that engages in a diverse group committed to putting faith into action and Integrate the wisdom and voices of those infected with HIV/AIDS in the planning and exercise their human rights for HIV prevention, advocacy, care and education enjoy better health; deals with the spiritual and social justice issues connected with HIV/AIDS.As a result of our work, we will inspire and empower more people to live, open more minds and help break stigma of HIV/AIDS regionally and nationally.
• Our Goal:
We base our goals on these values: contact, communication, and carefulness, convert, enhancement and personal responsibility, professionalism, quality services, and respect for diversity.
- Present as a strong, well-organized and helpful organization. Be the resource of option and develop a leading practice of integrated care, treatment, research, training and support for those impacted by HIV/AIDS.
- Promote an approach to prevention that is fully integrated into the all-inclusive continuum of care.
- Enhance and support an environment of management and Board supervision that provides governance, transparency, efficiency and active leadership for the organization.
- Raise our public profile and actively engage, educate and support is most critical to realizing our mission.
• Our Values And Commitments:
We are committed to supporting community action and, through collaboration with each other.
- Group effort
- Empowerment
- Adaptability and Innovation
- Continuous Improvement
- Non-judgment
For further information or assistance Mail us at udantmail@yahoo.com or Call us at 9527462600 / 9527472600