• SHAPE (Safe Health Awareness Promoting Education)
UDANT has developed a module which is exclusively planned for Educational Institutions that aims to nurture, to guide, to inform and implant precise knowledge in the hearts of the youth. This project is of huge significance as youth have the power to change the course of ailments in our society…….Readmore
• Care and Support
Providing HIV related counseling and subsequent HIV testing referrals. Clients also avail post test counseling and care and support services.Advocating for persons affected by HIV and addressing social stigma and discrimination.Referrals for treatment of opportunistic infections to clinics and health centers…...Readmore
• ACT (AIDS Concern Talk)
The target population in project ACT covers the labour force and staff working in hotels. The organization focuses on disseminating information on HIV/AIDS among this population. As health is a main concern of every individual so, it is important to provide knowledge and information to all those people who are working for more than twelve hours a day and not getting time to access the information on HIV/AIDS…….Readmore
• TIE (Trade and Income Empowerment)
This project aims to economically empower activities, provide critical assistance, enabling individuals or groups to generate income, increase bargaining power, transform that bargaining power into desired actions and outcomes, build a savings base for emergencies, and avoid selling assets that may affect their future livelihood, help people become self-reliant, improved social status, especially for women, and better health and nutrition. In this way, the money provided can make an important contribution to lessen poverty through microfinance, it is a form of retail banking that enables poor but economically active people to boost their earnings and put aside savings…….Readmore
For further information or assistance Mail us at udantmail@yahoo.com or Call us at 9527462600 / 9527472600